Renfrewshire Council has launched a Summer of Fun community programme to support parents to find free activities for children and families to take part in over the school holidays.

Hosted on the council’s website, people can visit to see what’s on across Renfrewshire over the six weeks of summer.

The wide range of free activities in the programme are provided by local groups and organisations who have been supported by the council’s new Summer of Fun Fund.

There will be something for everyone and activities include magician shows, sport sessions, summer camps, toddler sessions, art and STEM creativity, upcycling and much more.

The current listing on the website will continue to be expanded upon, with much more activities to be listed shortly. People are encouraged to bookmark the page and come back to it regularly.

The community programme is part of the wider Summer of Fun programme that includes free activities put on by Street Stuff, OneRen and the council’s summer activity camps.

Libraries will have drop-in and play sessions, including marble runs, giant games, Lego and storytelling sessions across the area.

These activities are linked to from the council’s website.

More than £100,000 of the council’s budget has been allocated to the Summer of Fun holiday provision programme.

Councillor Jacqueline Cameron, chair of the Fairer Renfrewshire sub-committee, said: “Ensuring young people and their families have a wide range of free activities to take part in over the summer is important. Summer should be a fun experience for everyone and, by developing this programme, we aim for more children to get that fun element during the summer break.

“Summer of Fun builds on the amazing work that community groups and organisations did around Winter Connections, ensuring that young people and their families can socialise, make and deepen connections throughout the long summer holidays. The programme offers a wide range of opportunities and has been developed to build on existing programmes by the council and its partners.”

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