Remembrance Day services set to take place across Renfrewshire
Hundreds are expected to turn out to pay their respects to the fallen as parades are carried out in towns and villages across Renfrewshire, with services taking place to mark
News and events
Hundreds are expected to turn out to pay their respects to the fallen as parades are carried out in towns and villages across Renfrewshire, with services taking place to mark
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has warned that the cost of living crisis in Scotland is seeing more people fall behind on their rent, as new figures show a 37% increase
A woman who tried to smuggle more than 45,000 cigarettes through Glasgow Airport claimed they were a wedding gift.
Stewart Milne Homes is celebrating a win at the recent National House Building Council (NHBC) Pride in the Jobs Awards 2023 after Dargavel Village senior site manager, James MacLennan, took
Tom Arthur, MSP for Renfrewshire South, met with Operations Director Ronald Leitch at Glasgow Airport earlier this month.
Children and young people at Kibble embraced the spooky spirit this Halloween with a range of events and activities.
The Scottish Sentencing Council’s new sentencing guideline on death by driving offences has been approved by the High Court – marking a legal first for Scotland.
Police Scotland have confirmed they are treating the death of Alastair Campbell from Renfrew as murder.
A man has been cleared of taking data without permission from an accountancy firm ran by a former SNP councillor.
A parcel delivery driver caught behind the wheel while on drugs was fined £470 today.